Friday, October 12, 2007

Roman's Doctor Visit- 7th month checkup

Roman has a clean bill of health. He weighs 16# 4 oz (25th%), his head is 17" (25th%), and he is 29" tall (95th%). The doc commented on how squirmy he is and how he never stops moving! At one point he had to pin him to the table to look in his ears! He also got 4 vaccinations, so he may be sore for today. The doctor says Roman eats a lot, but burns a ton of calories- so he's going to be thin. Even the nurses were laughing about how active he is. Roman is due for another checkup and more vaccinations in the beginning of January.

Lance was an angel in the doctor's office, and Dr. Mandy gave him some stickers for having so much patience while Roman was examined. Lance doesn't go in for a checkup until 3 years old.

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