Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Proof that Lance wants to be Minnie for Halloween


Here's a few pics of Minnie Mouse and Bullwinkle Trick-or-treating. And a few of our not-so-scary visitors!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

More Halloween Parade Pictures

Here's some pictures I got from my parents' camera from the parade.

Summerfield Halloween Parade

We had a blast at the Parade! The boys dressed up in their costumes and walked (or rode) down the street collecting candy on the way. It was great to have Grandma and Grandpa Michalski and Dziadzia and Bucia along! We were even lucky enough to have our beloved Megan there!

Cutest Minnie Mouse

Bullwinkle the Moose

Carving Pumpkins- Roman loves to get in there! While Lance wants to carve the face. Thank God for those pumpkin carving knives that aren't sharp!

Anything else going to come out of this thing?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween at the Holmans

On Friday we visited the Holman's. Lance and Roman loved hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Holman, Mom got a good nap, and Daddy loved the candy corn and candy pumpkins!

Roman is thinking... "Grandpa, Where did you learn to suck on your fingers?"

Careful, Grandpa, someone might try to tell you that you and Roman look alike!

Lance's winning pumpkin!

Lance won a pumpkin in the Nino's coloring contest! Congrats Lance!

Here he is picking out his pumpkin (it's the one he's sitting on)

Here it is all carved up!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Auntie Stacy's Visit... and The Most Annoying Wall in the World

I didn't get any pics of her, but Auntie Stacy came to visit yesterday! We were so excited that Lance kept thinking every phone call was Auntie Stacy. Todd is in Vegas, so the company was welcome.

Here's some good video of Roman's skills...

He gets a little mad at the end... MOM!!! Who put this darn wall here!?!?!?!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This morning Roman woke up with two new bottom teeth! Gone is the toothless grin we all love. The next tooth to come in... looks like it will be the top outside tooth- just like Lance did. Maybe we will have a vampire for Halloween- or a Jack-o-lantern!

Friday, October 19, 2007

One of the last nice days

We spent the day today outside. Lance got a kick out of pulling Roman around in a wagon- and so did Roman!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Random Pictures

Roman in his car

He's actually asleep, reading a book, in the hallway!

Eating Chocolate



Flood at the Michalskis

My parent's apartment flooded- so Grandma Claudia and Dziadzia and Bucia spent some time at our house. We had lots of fun, and Lance loved pushing everyone around in the wheelchairs. We even lost power for a bit! Nothing ever seems too bad when your family is there to support you, does it?

Visit to Great Grandma Rose

Lance and Roman and I went to visit Great Grandma Rose. She made an excellent lunch for us then we visited a nearby park. The boys loved the swings!


Earlier today, Roman decided to push the kitchen chair from the kitchen table to the sliding glass doorwall- while WALKING! Not by himself yet, but he's trying! Looks like we need to get some sturdy things out for him to practice his new skill. The laundry basket... some boxes... the pickup truck...

I didn't catch him walking on video, but this gives you an idea

To the Gym

Today I went to the gym after a zero shift, and Lance and Roman went to the child care center. For the first time, Lance had no trouble. Of course I had to tell him that I was looking for Uncle Moose at the gym and if I didn't find him then we would look for him at his house. That helped him make it through my workout without flipping out. Roman was good- until the end. He saw me and started to cry until I grabbed him. We have to work into the seperation thing in a classroom situation.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Rough Night

Last night, Roman had his usual bottle before bed, then clunked out. He only drank about 2 ounces instead of the usual 6-8. ABout an hour later, he woke up screaming. I want in to get him and he was covered in vomit- and so was his crib. He was shaking. I changed him and held him on my chest on top of a towel while I watched TV. He threw up another time or two, then zonked. Poor little guy. he ate again at 2:30am, and held it down. In the morning he was playing with me and puked in my hair. Then he had a giant poo, and seems to feel a little better. I think maybe the milk he had last night was bad, but we're going to keep an eye on him just in case.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Thought you'd all get a kick out of a quick video of Lance when he was 7 months- the same age Roman is now. No one can deny these two are from the same gene pool!

Roman's Doctor Visit- 7th month checkup

Roman has a clean bill of health. He weighs 16# 4 oz (25th%), his head is 17" (25th%), and he is 29" tall (95th%). The doc commented on how squirmy he is and how he never stops moving! At one point he had to pin him to the table to look in his ears! He also got 4 vaccinations, so he may be sore for today. The doctor says Roman eats a lot, but burns a ton of calories- so he's going to be thin. Even the nurses were laughing about how active he is. Roman is due for another checkup and more vaccinations in the beginning of January.

Lance was an angel in the doctor's office, and Dr. Mandy gave him some stickers for having so much patience while Roman was examined. Lance doesn't go in for a checkup until 3 years old.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


So today we hung out downstairs. Lance walked up the entire staircase with one foot per stair- just like daddy does. Our little Roman climbed up half the staircase all by himself. We have to watch him like a hawk!

Where are You, Roman? and Other Funny Happenings

I hope they always play together like this. Roman thinks Lance is so funny he can't even sit!

Here's another example of how funny Roman thinks Lance is!

Fake sneeze

This is what happens when mom says "do something for the video"... Hilarious!

This one is for Jeff and Kathy

Lance LOVES his tricycle. When he sees neighbor kids riding bikes he grabs his tricycle and pedals right along. Someone stole my oldest baby and made him a kid!

I'm working on posting video. How does this come through?

Have to start somewhere!

Well, this is my first post. The boys just got up, and we are starting our day. Roman is 7 months old, and Lance is 2.5 years. They are growing like weeds, and Lance is even using the potty chair (during the day). Yeah! No diapers! Lance also passed his first swim lesson, so he is ready to move on to level B. Congrats to Lance! He even got a little certificate. Roman is crawling around and is getting into everything. He stands at the coffee table and tries to walk to the couch! I saw him do it once, but he's still pretty little. He hits his head on the table a lot, but that's part of the game. The boys love to crawl over each other. Roman is going to be a pretty tough kid.