Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tigers Game with Uncle Moose and Auntie Stacy

What a beautiful day for a game!  We headed down to the ballpark with Auntie Stacy and Uncle Moose, and even met up with Auntie Sara there!  The kids got there early enough for the giveaway- a Placido Polanco Golden Glove- for each of them!  It was a regular sized kids glove, too!  Nice!  Then after the game we ran the bases, then hit the carousel for a quick spin.  Such a great day!  Both kids were passed out in the car before we even got out of the parking lot!

It's also Grandma Pat's Birthday today- we were thinking of you!
Lance and Mommy touching home plate
Dad and Roman touching Home plate!

Heading onto the field

Roman got distracted by PAWS!
Eatin' animal crackers...
...and a hot dog
It was good.
Lance went the "no bun" route
The line for running the bases was long, but it moved quickly- and it was worth it!


Anonymous said...

we did not see moose in the photos.
how is the she man.

Moose said...

I was behind the camera drinking my Asian Pear Mojito!!