Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Roman and the Stairs...

So many times we parents have experiences that make our hearts skip a beat. When you realize "Oh my God, something terrible could have happened". Today, I had one of those moments. I was sitting in the La-z-boy, pumping, and Todd was downstairs working, both boys were with me. Shortly, I heard Lance talking to Todd. I thought for a moment if I should get Lance so Todd could get some work done, then I realized that Roman was not inmy sight... and things were quiet- the hallmark of something going horribly wrong. I ran toward the basement stairs and realized in horror that Lance had left the basement door open. I looked down the stairs and saw Roman halfway down, sitting on a stair, smiling at me. THANK GOD he's ok. I then watched him go down the rest of the basement stairs, backwards- like he's supposed to. So, I guess Roman knows how to go downstairs- and I got a little reminder to keep an eye on him! Whew!

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