Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blinds are Scary

So, after a momentary lapse of reason on Mine and Todd's part, we finally realized that the way to get Lance back in his bed at night was to remove the scary item- The Blinds. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. One day I was talking about Lance's fears in his room at work and said that Lance says the blinds are scary. One guy at work said (in a very matter-of-fact way), "sounds like there's a little guy who needs some curtains". Of course. How could I be so dumb? That night, the blinds came down, and we talked of the material he would pick out for his new curtains that Grandma Claudia was going to make for him. He immediately brightened up and slept in his bed that night. Boy, do I feel silly. Once we get the curtains made, we'll post some pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again the true value of men is proven.

We all know that women don't want men to give them answers to their problems, they just want men to validate their feelings. But sometimes, just finding a logical solution is what is needed most. Then when the problem goes away, the women's feelings return to happy and life can go on.

So men do have some value in this world. Always try to remember that.

But remember guys, when the woman says she feels good, just validate her feelings - don't make suggestions as to how she could feel better. No sense pushing your luck.

However, a glass or two of wine or beer always worked pretty good for me.