Saturday, February 2, 2008

Michalski's Baby Shower

Today we had a shower for Jeff and Kathy and the new baby girl. It was a sucess, and It seemed everyone was having a great time. Thanks to Barb, Anna, Mrs. Sawosko, and my mom for all working together to pull this off! Many kids came and played downstaird with Todd, Chris C., Megan, and Tom Holman. A special thanks to Megan Baxendale for wrangling all the kids- they would have been miserable without her! She is an irreplacable fixture at all Cody events! We love her!

I wish I got more pictures of people- here are some of the few...


megbax said...

you forgot a person on the blog entry for the babyshower

Suzy said...

OMG, I did this late last night and was a total airhead about it. Thanks for the reminder Megan! Always know how appreciated you are, I tell you a million times- but I should tell you even more. I'm surprised you still like to hang out with us- even though I'm such a ditz!